
22 September, 2014

The Infamous Chia Pudding and Raspberry Chia Jam

I’m no rice pudding or porridge girl… which is why I was pleasantly surprised by my first taste of chia pudding. This delectable breakfast (or dessert) is creamy, smooth on the tongue, and incredibly satisfying. I had it before a day of work and it took me through till lunchtime.

In all honesty, I was particularly dubious about the health food craze around chia seeds. A tiny quantity of small seeds soaked in liquid overnight to be demolished the next day, didn’t exactly represent a meal in my mind, but had more in common with a smoothie. How wrong was I?! 
The chia seed is a rich source of alpha-linoleic acid, an omega 3 essential for a healthy heart that can only be obtained through diet. The seeds contain all eight essential amino acids, with more protein per 100g than an egg, however because they are usually ingested in small quantities we recommend that you seek protein from other sources as well. The black and white seeds are additionally high in antioxidants, making them a successful fighting agent against free-radical damage, and because of their fibrous nature they can aid digestion. How's that for a mouth-ful? Chia seeds are readily available at your supermarket and because you don't use many of them, are very reasonable. 

The addition of ground flaxseed to this recipe gives the digestion an extra boost – helpful for some forms of IBS. I have also created a refined-sugar free raspberry jam, also made with chia seeds, for all you chia enthusiasts. 


Please note: that as wonderful as the chia seed is, it is not going to be the answer to all your dietary needs- variety is key!   It is a great little add in though!

The Infamous Chia Pudding and Raspberry Chia Jam
Serves One*

You'll need:

Chia Pudding
110g coconut cream
10g chia seeds
1 Tbsp coconut threads
¼ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp ground flaxseed
optional: sliced almonds, extra coconut thread to serve

Raspberry Chia Jam
½ cup frozen raspberries
1 tsp chia seeds

To make:

  1. Prepare the chia pudding in your breakfast bowl or jar of choice. Place all dry ingredients in the base of the bowl then pour the coconut cream over. Stir well until everything is incorporated. Place in the fridge to set overnight.
  2. To prepare the raspberry jam you will need to defrost the raspberries and then mash them with the end of a fork. Stir through the chia seeds and place in the fridge to set overnight.
  3. In the morning take both components out of the fridge (preferably twenty minutes before serving); spoon the raspberry jam over the pudding, sprinkle with sliced almonds and coconut thread. You’re done!

*If you’re making this for more than one person, make as many quantities as you like in one large bowl, then pour equal portions into smaller bowls to set in the fridge overnight.

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